From November 13th to November 15th, 2015, the Octopus Foundation’s team has regrouped in the Foundation’s headquarter in Lausanne for a strategy meeting. Among the discussed issues let’s particularly remember: A detailed review of the general organization of the Foundation A standpoint on how the Foundation is dealing with the process of selecting the projects and…
News (page 2)
3The Octopus Foundation, founded in 2015 by Franco-Swiss journalist, sailor and diver, Julien Pfyffer, has for mission to promote the exploration of the marine world in the fields of biology and underwater archaeology and to make the knowledge gained accessible.
At the end of January, a small crew of the Octopus Foundation has gathered on the shore of the Étang de Thau, in the South of France, to put in place winter diving training sessions.
Engineer in the marine environment and doctor in marine biology, Ariel Fuchs, 54, dedicated his life to his passion for the underwater world. As the operational director of the Octopus Foundation, his tremendous expertise helps Julien Pfyffer, founder, to make the best decisions for the Foundation’s strategy. He is also in charge of the organization…
During the last winter season, the field crew of the Octopus Foundation met several times in the South of France, at the Étang de Thau. These trainings were scheduled in order to increase the efficiency of the underwater operations. The testing of tools in challenging conditions such as cold water and poor visibility was an…
Founded in 1996 by the Franco-Italian biologist Daniela Freggi, the “Lampedusa Turtle Rescue” is a veterinary clinic dedicated to injured marine turtles of the Mediterranean. From a simple bandage to a complex surgical intervention, the “Lampedusa Turtle Rescue” shelters and treats around 200 marine turtles every year.