We recently made the decision to stop feeding our social media accounts.

This is primarily because of an obvious lack of transparency. When posting on Facebook, for example, we are given statistics that cannot be readily verified. We must believe a corporation that gradually and deliberately decreased our reach over the years. How do you verify that a video has actually been viewed 1200 times? It’s impossible. No matter the quality of a post, if we hope for a particular information to reach a broader public, we have to pay Facebook. Without any tangible proof of the result.
It is also because of the commercial use of our data and their desire to change user behaviors, practices that we find unbearable today. Most of you are enthusiasts or professionals of the sea. We no longer accept that our interactions on a so-called “free” platform become qualifying criteria for your digital profiles, making you more or less attractive on a commercial level.
Finally, we regret the lack of genuine interactions. What does your “like” really mean on one of our posts? The reality is, we don’t know: Do you like the species we’re working on? Do you like the way we approach its study? Do you “like” to make us happy? Are you expecting a like from us on your next post? Our daily use of social media has become so mechanical and automatic that it has lost most of its meaning.
We now believe that these platforms give us the illusion of closeness, of discovering new things, allowing us to interact, deepening our interests and our passions. We have decided to stop feeding our social media accounts, and focus on interacting more effectively and directly with you, in full transparency and without any commercial use of the content of our exchanges.
We offer several new options:
- You can email us at contact(at)octopusfoundation.org with a simple “YES” in the subject so that we can add you to our Octopus contacts. On average, we send an email summarizing our activities every two to three months. That’s a maximum of six emails per year, which you can answer if you wish to, to ask questions, or simply to exchange. Of course, you can ask to be withdrawn from this list at any time.
- Careful attention will be given to our website www.octopusfoundation.org, a bilingual platform for the general public, on which we provide full access to all projects, experiences, news and results free of charge.
- From now on, we will upload the Foundation’s videos and documentaries to our VIMEO account. You can find and follow us here: https://vimeo.com/octopusfoundation
Thank you all for your support. We really hope you can take a few minutes to join us. See you soon.
The Octopus Foundation team