The Octopus Foundation is a Swiss non-profit organization that aims to improve the knowledge of the marine world by supporting scientific exploration of the oceans and to make this information available to the public.

Did you know?
71% of the planet is covered by our seas and oceans
94% of life is aquatic
The average temperature of the oceanic surface is 17°C
The known deepest point of the world’s oceans is about 10’920m
The longest mountain range on our planet is underwater. Its length is 56’300 km
90% of the volcanic activity on our planet takes place in the oceans
There are more than 3 millions wrecks in the oceans
There are more historical artefacts in the oceans than in all museums of the world
Less than 5% of the oceans have been explored yet
Source : National Geographic

Julien Pfyffer is a 41-year-old journalist, sailor and professional diver with over a decade of experience in these fields. Various commissions by Time Magazine, Paris Match and Le Figaro Magazine have made him aware of the impact the media has on the public. Numerous sailing and diving expeditions, which he initiated and managed, have highlighted how little information on the marine environment there is in the public domain. Through the Octopus Foundation, he has decided to dedicate his time and resources to improving universal understanding and knowledge of the marine world.
Projects – 4 stages to support science
A small team of the Foundation performs initial investigation, making contacts and gathering documentation to define the framework of the project to be supported and its interest from both a scientific and a media point of view. Out of the documentation process a dossier is presented to the Foundation’s board.
Once a project is selected by the Foundation’s board, the budgets are approved. The Foundation’s operational team then carries out a full documentation of the study case (photos, sketches, drawings, maps, underwater 3D imaging, aerial imagery, etc.) that should facilitate the scientific study to come.
The project in its scientific phase (under the direction of a scientific research organization), a small team from the Foundation supports the scientists with logistics and media (photos, texts, videos, etc.) for a broad diffusion of the discoveries.
The Foundation eventually studies the best broadcasting channels to inform the public. It may be press articles, video documentaries, exhibitions or conferences. The Octopus Foundation’s ultimate goal is for the information to reach its audience.