“It was just waiting to be picked up.” Arcinfo published this article (subscribers only): https://www.arcinfo.ch/neuchatel-canton/littoral/la-grande-beroche/elle-nattendait-qua-etre-ramassee-une-hache-de-4500-ans-decouverte-a-bevaix-1275231
Extract: “A cry tears the air. Getting ready to get back on the boat “Celtic La Tène”, Fabien Langenegger turns around. A fellow diver waves his arms. The archaeologist from the Heritage and Archeology Office (Opan) of the canton of Neuchâtel expects to have to come to his aid.
False alarm. Or rather, excellent news: he has just discovered, placed about two meters below the surface of Lake Neuchâtel, a 4,500-year-old ax. “It was just waiting to be picked up.”
Thanks to Arcinfo for covering this project